Electric vs Gas Fireplace



Electric Vs. Gas Fireplaces in Australia: A Quick Comparison

A fireplace is an excellent choice when adding warmth and charm to your home. Many options are available, so choosing the right fireplace requires careful consideration. Here, we will compare electric and gas fireplaces to help you decide based on your specific needs and preferences.


Both gas and electric fireplaces can be used safely with some common-sense precautions. When installing a gas fireplace, it’s best to have a professional handle to ensure a safe installation and compliance with local regulations. For everyday use, avoid storing flammable items near the fireplace and keep a close eye on children and pets to prevent accidents.

For gas fireplaces, especially those with venting, it’s essential to have a carbon monoxide detector installed in your home to detect any potential leaks.

Upfront Investment & Ongoing Operational Costs

Evaluating the upfront investment and ongoing operational expenses for both fireplaces is essential when considering the running costs. Gas fireplaces generally have higher initial costs due to professional installation requirements, such as setting up a gas line and making home modifications. However, they are known for their high heating capacity, making them efficient for warming larger areas.

On the other hand, electric fireplaces have lower installation costs – thanks to their DIY-friendly setup. They also offer adjustable heat settings and programmable timers, allowing for better control over energy consumption and running costs. This flexibility is beneficial for heating smaller spaces and using the fireplace only at specific times of the day.

The Cost & Ease of Installation

Installing a gas fireplace involves hiring a professional technician specialising in gas installations. The technician assesses your home and determines the optimal location for the fireplace. This process can cost approximately $2000 – $3000, with additional expenses if a gas line needs to be installed.

On the other hand, electric fireplaces offer a more straightforward installation process. Standalone electric fireplaces require minimal effort – plug the unit in, and it’s ready to use. Some framing and drywall modifications may be necessary for permanent in-wall electric fireplaces, but it is still relatively straightforward. This ease of installation makes electric fireplaces convenient, especially for those who prefer a DIY approach.

Energy Efficiency & Sustainability 

Electric fireplaces are known for their high energy efficiency, converting nearly all their energy into heat and minimising wastage. Additionally, electric fireplaces operate without combustion, so they do not emit pollutants directly into the indoor or outdoor air, contributing to better indoor air quality and reducing local air pollution.

On the other hand, gas fireplaces burn natural gas or propane, releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) and other emissions. However, many modern gas fireplaces have venting systems to minimise pollution.


Modern electric and gas fireplaces require comparatively little maintenance. For gas fireplaces, particularly vented ones, annual flue cleaning is recommended to maintain optimal performance. Electric fireplaces typically only require occasional dusting and cleaning of the glass surface to keep them looking clean and well-maintained.

Approximate Cost Estimation for Running an Electric Fireplace:

  • From your electricity bill, you’ll get your electricity rate (c/kWh).
  • Find out the power rating of the fireplace (W or kW).
  • Evaluate daily usage time.
  • For daily energy consumption (kWh), you’ll need to multiply (power consumption) by (usage time).
  • For daily cost, you’ll need to multiply (energy consumption) by (the electricity rate).

Approximate Cost Estimation for Running a Gas Fireplace:

  • From your gas bill, you’ll get the gas rate (c/MJ).
  • Look in the product specifications or user manual for the gas consumption rate of your fireplace (MJ/hr). 
  • Figure out the daily hours you plan to use the gas fireplace.
  • To get the daily gas consumption (MJ), multiply (the gas consumption rate) by (the daily usage time). 
  • For daily cost, multiply (daily gas consumption) by (the gas rate).

Please note that gas and electricity rates may vary, so it’s essential to check the current rates in your area to get accurate running costs.

Homes Where Electric Fireplaces Will Look Good

Homes That Give Prominence to Comfort and Visual Appeal: Electric fireplaces come in various designs and offer features like remote control operation and adjustable flame effects, making them versatile and visually appealing.

Homes That Do Not Have Access to Natural Gas: Electric fireplaces offer an excellent alternative in areas where a natural gas supply is unavailable or not easily accessible.

Small Living Spaces & Apartments: Electric fireplaces are well-suited for limited spaces, requiring minimal installation and no venting or chimney.

Homes Where Gas Fireplaces Will Look Good

Larger Homes: Gas fireplaces with higher heating capacities are ideal for larger homes, efficiently warming open-plan layouts and multiple rooms.

Open-Plan Contemporary Homes: Gas fireplaces blend functionality and contemporary design, making them an excellent fit for modern open-plan homes.

Heritage & Traditional Homes: Gas fireplaces enhance the appeal of heritage and traditional homes, becoming the centre of attention that balances their architectural style.

Final Words

Choosing between an electric and gas fireplace involves evaluating factors such as ease of installation, operational costs, maintenance, safety, sustainability, and design aesthetics. By considering your home’s specific requirements and style preferences, you can make an informed decision that enhances the warmth and atmosphere of your living environment. Whether you opt for an electric or gas fireplace, both options offer unique benefits that will add comfort and cosiness to your home for years.

Are you planning to purchase an electric, gas or wood fireplace? Fireplace Masters supply and install fireplaces of all leading brands, perfect for your needs and budget. Visit our showroom today to uncover our wood, gas, electric and outdoor fireplaces range.

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